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Top Asphalt Suppliers
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Welcome to Top Asphalt, the Berkeley County WV’s leading driveway asphalt manufacturer and your partner in the paving materials industry. Working with Top Asphalt means getting the right paving mixes for your specific project. Our clients recognize us for our unmatched customer service and our dedication to quality control. Top Asphalt is conveniently located in the Martinsburg industrial area on the Golf Course Rd border for easy access to & from Rte 9 as well as Rte 11. Our modern manufacturing facility has we can produce 1200 tons of HMA within an eight hour day or night operation. Our plant has high speed loading enabling trucks a quick departure. The plant’s high-speed computer loading system allows for quicker turnaround time between project sites and our plant. We sell Hot Mix Asphalt, cold patch products, Driveway sealers including oil based, water emulsion sealers, asphalt emulsion, direct fire, hot tar blocks, lutes, shovels and all accessories needed for pavement preservation. Contact us today for any questions concerning all your asphalt product needs. We are open 12 months per year flexible evening and winter schedules.