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All American Asphalt
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All American Asphalt has been in business in Southern California for over 40 years. Started as a trucking company, All American Asphalt has now evolved into a material production and construction company. With five asphalt plants located in Westminster, Corona, Irvine, Irwindale, and San Fernando along with an aggregate producing facility in Corona, All American Asphalt is able to provide construction materials for Riverside, Orange, San Bernardino and Los Angeles counties.

Google Reviews: A star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteThe star with a unique blend of yellow and gray color. 4.5 (53 Reviews)

Heather Ordonez

A star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA star showed on Paving Finder Website

They are very kind, considerate, and easy to talk with. Read More

Lando Rolando

A star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA star showed on Paving Finder Website

First things first, when it comes to paving either drive ways or freeways these guys know where to put their money, definitely be back . Read More

Marvin Garcia

A star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA star showed on Paving Finder Website

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Aqua Fractalyne

A star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA black and white image of a star against a white background.A black and white image of a star against a white background.A black and white image of a star against a white background.A black and white image of a star against a white background.

Their employees need a serious lesson in driving safety. I was almost run off the road because one of their workers wanted to merge while I was driving alongside them. I had to slam on my breaks to avoid being hit. I called the company and had to leave... Read More

Francisc Buducea

A star showed on Paving Finder WebsiteA black and white image of a star against a white background.A black and white image of a star against a white background.A black and white image of a star against a white background.A black and white image of a star against a white background.

Horrible Company Had signs in our neighborhood for over a week, TEMP NO PARKING signs everywhere. Not one inch of work done. Horrible, Horrible, UnProfessional company. Dont think anyone can do any worse. I... Read More